Premature Baby Care at Home

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  • Description
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  •     Premature baby  Basics & Medical Care
  • Defining Prematurity –   causes of premature birth
  • premature baby  Appearance & Behavior – Premature Baby Looks ,what to expect, brain development, senses, movement
  • Infant temperature control
  • Oxygenation of the infant Other breathing problems
  • The NICU & Its Equipment – communicating with staff, isolettes, respirator, monitors, IVs
  • Common Medical Problems – Respiratory Distress Syndrome, apnea, jaundice, infection, reflux etc
  • Communication & Touch – cues, interaction, over-stimulation, touch
  • Bathing your baby-Step-by-Step Instructions
  • Kangaroo Care – how-to, benefits for your premature baby 
  • Feeding – breast milk benefits, pumping, learning to breastfeed to premature baby 
  • Taking Care of You – emotional health, support, postpartum depression, physical healt
  • Preparing for Discharge – rooming-in, training for baby care, car seat/bed
  • At Home With a Preemie – SIDS, preventing infections, responding to crying, pre-crying signals, feeding, sleep cycles
  • Early Development – corrected age, physical growth, promoting healthy development
  • Possible Long-Term Complications – hearing impairment, vision problems, muscle tone, learning disabilities,Preemie Milestones
  • Faster weight gain