This was investigated by Don CHampbell, and has proven to music can stimulate your baby’s brain is more active while playing. Soft music can make a baby quiet so their parents a break can also be well rested Mozart’s music proved to be able to develop language skills, improve body movement and develop left-brain thinking skills logika.Telah in research and proven:
Mozart music can strengthen your memory faster in infants 3 months. Kindergarten can be 34% smarter when taught the piano from when he taught on the computer (after learning the piano child IQ increased 46%) listen to classical music 30 minutes a day can improve motor skills & creative thinking.
The results of this study of law institutions in florida (babbies Beethoven bill), experts from the French And Dr. Alfred Tomatis.
Contains 9 months of required education and adaptation, to bond, & the sound first love-child mothers. Super sonic power, according to Jamieson E. Jones, MD, director of neonatal intensive care units, children Hospital & Health Center in San Diego). You by listening to music mozart can find and express their imagination, joy and love you to your baby.